Monday, October 8, 2007

Could River be Jesus?

My name is River and I am a Bulloxer. What if someone told you that I was coming to live with you for a month, what would you say? Would you allow me, a dog, to stay in your home for a month? How long would you need to prepare for me to come? Would you have a place for me to sleep and where would that be? What would you feed me and in what type of dish? Would you buy me a collar and take me for rides in the car? Where would you take me out to play? Would you take me to the dog park?

What if God told you that his beloved son had took the form of a dog and that he was coming to live with you for a month, what would you say? What would you do before Jesus arrived, would you clean your house and put on your best clothes? Would you change anything before he arrived? How long would it take you to prepare for Jesus to come in to your home? Where would he sleep, would it be the same place as before when you thought he was only a dog? Would you feed him at your diner table on your fine China, after all this is Jesus, or would you feed the Son of Man dog-food? What would you say to him and how would you entertain him? Would you throw the ball for him to chase or take him to the dog park to play with other dogs? Would you take him shopping for a collar and if so, what type of collar would you choose, one for looks or one that would be safer for him?

Even if you were a non-believer, how would it affect your life to have Jesus in your home as a dog? What would be the difference between River the dog or Jesus the dog. Would you have to change your lifestyle or your attitude. Do you think you would enjoy living Jesus? What would you tell your friends and family about the new dog you have in your home? Have ever really wondered if Jesus does spend time on earth and how he would go about doing it?

I would like to know your thoughts, so please leave River a comment, thank you!

What is K-9 Cross?

What is K-9 Cross? Its a ministry to teach us the word of God and the purpose of Dogs. Have you ever noticed the resemblance in the spelling of God and Dog. Dog is God spelled backwards. Do you know that sometimes Dogs know more than we do. They know the instant someone enters our property. They can tell time without ever looking at a clock. They can alert us of certain disease's with just their nose. Dogs have special gifts, such as their ability of smell, they can smell up to 10,000 times better than we can. Did you know that there's a new study that has shown that Dogs can detect breast and lung cancer. What we don't realize is that these special abilities that Dogs have, are for our benefit. Dogs serve a special purpose here on earth, they serve us, just in the same way we should serve God. Are we as loyal to God, as Dogs are to us? Do you think that God put the Dog here to teach us and if so, what can we learn from our canine companion? Hug a Dog, Hug God!

The question of the day is...What have you learned from a Dog?