Wednesday, January 2, 2008

River takes the streets- with Jeff & Chase©

River's new series of stories....

River is a Bulloxer that has took it upon himself to change the way the world looks at dogs. He has the strength and abilities of a Boxer but the bull-headed attitude of the English Bulldog. There is not much that makes River back down or frightens him. River is a special dog that can do things that no other animal or person in the world can do. Keep up with the story and find out what River is all about.

It was a cold, rainy morning as River trots down the side of a busy road in rush hour traffic. A red sports car pulls up beside him with a couple of young men as the occupants. Jeff the driver, a 19 year old high school drop out and his friend Chase also a drop out, have chosen a life of self destruction that is leading them no where but in the wrong direction. Their lives are mostly made up of drugs, booze and terrorizing people. They support themselves and their negative habits by stealing other people's valuables and selling what drugs that they don't do themselves. Jeff and Chase have house burglary down to almost an a science, they get in, get the items they want, vacate the premises and be in a different area of the city in about 17 minutes. At the ages of 19, they have burglarized so many homes that they are considered professional thieves. They know how to get in and out without leaving behind a clue. This morning they were headed to a new house when they see River along side of the road.


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